A leading retirement expert shares 15 winning ideas to help you make your retirement meaningful. A certified retirement lifestyle coach can offer advice to help retirees make their lives more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Many retirees complain that they are bored. Another expression of this sentiment is “I don’t have enough to do” You are not the only one who is bored or finds too much time. Boredom and lack of activity can lead to two types of responses: depression or an intentional effort to learn new things. People should try to find a mix of activities that is fun, healthy and beneficial for them as well as for others. As you all know, I am committed to helping others. Helping others is good for both us and them. You should try things that provide growth opportunities for you, things that are fun and things that can help others. It is important to think about how you spend your time. You should choose activities that you enjoy. Here are fifteen ideas to help you choose rewarding and fun activities for your retirement.
1. Volunteer to read to children in the local library.
2. Volunteer to read to an assisted living resident.
3. Register for the class that interests and you.
4. Go with a friend to the zoo and enjoy an afternoon of entertainment for the animals.
5. Spend time with people who are interested in the same hobby, craft, or sport as you.
6. Volunteer to support a non-profit organisation.
7. Play with your child.
8. Join a group for fitness.
9. Spend an afternoon every week in a museum or art galleries.
10. Tutor students.
11. Spend time every day enjoying and appreciating nature.
12. Deliveries for Meals on Wheels: Need help?
13. Participate in a program or group that is connected to your religious organization.
14. Start your own business.
15. Part-time jobs are a great way to share your skills and knowledge.
There are probably hundreds of things that you would enjoy. Why not try them? Talk to a friend. Many things are more enjoyable when shared with friends. Set a time and place for something new. You will have a lot of fun with the new activity.
Even more important You might discover that you enjoy helping others.